Pink energy has been discovered in the mysterious diamond mines of South Africa.
It has been reported that this strange energy can generate extraordinary power. Oddly, these power giving energies have been found only in pink diamonds and paradoxically they seem to have only affected women. Our best scientists understand very little of this “pink” energy and they are still working to trace its true origins. They have thus far been able to determine only that the only known source came from the mines.

Nine pink energy diamonds were originally discovered in the mines. 8 of them were claimed by the diamond syndicate, which owned and operated the mines. The last original stone was pilfered by the worker who had discovered the whole trove, Kwani Azeebo He, more than anyone else, is most directly responsible for the creation of the Pinkertons.

Kwani would never know any of this however because he was murdered not long after stealing the power diamond. Whetheer Kaleb's death was related to the power diamond is a matter for the South African Police but by then Kwani had gotten rid of the stone, out of an abundant sense of caution, he had sent it to relatives with special instructions.

Eventually, the pink power diamond arrived in America, with its bearers ignorant of its true value, and ended up in the hands of a group of very special women. This happened more than 25 years ago.
Remarkably, there has been no accounting of any of the stones since then. As though they have been hidden away...
Though many bedtime tales have been told about the power giving capabilities of the stones, there has been no proof of them beyond these fictions.

Only Kwani had any inkling of the path his diamond may have traveled but as for the rest, only the syndicate knows that.
Now 25 years after landing here, reports are beginning to surface of women endowed with superhuman powers and abilities, apparently due to prolonged exposure to pink energy. They are known as "Pinkertons". They fund their operations by offering their services in the area of special asset recovery, but their main mission is to locate the remaining pink power diamonds, before pink energy falls into the wrong hands.

Standing together, they have chosen to be something more than just superhuman, they have chosen to be a team. And to defend the world from beings like themselves.